Wednesday, November 20, 2013

After Concert Depression

Its the day after and you're tired. You're body hurts. You're sticky. You've got sunburn brighter than the sun itself. All you really want at the moment is a shower. So do it. Treat yourself. Find luxury and happiness until it kicks in. Yes, you know what I'm talking about. After concert depression.

That feeling of utter loss as your best day ever is over. The day you've been waiting months for is over. All you want to do is curl up in a ball and cry. But here are some tips to help. Don't go off and listen to the people you've just seen. That will only make you wish you were there again. As well as don't look through the pictures or videos that you took the day before. It might leave you in a sobbing mess and no one wants that. Give yourself at least a week before you even try to think about the concert.

It will be difficult. You'll feel soulless for days but eventually you'll learn how to live again. You'll be able to actually look at videos and interviews again without feeling like a piece of you is missing. It'll be okay. Once your depression is over you'll be searching for the next dates and counting down the days once again because lets be honest with ourselves the pain is nothing compared to the absolute joy you feel when you see your favorite artist or band member perform.

Today is the Day

You're awake. You're excited. In less than 24 hours you're going to be having the time of your life. Seeing the people you've been idolizing for what seems like forever. Don't rush it though. I know you want to get there early and be the first in but make sure you eat something first. You need that energy or else you could seriously get sick. Same goes for water. If you don't drink enough through out the day you can easily become dehydrated.

Now once you have arrived to your destination and are let in, search for where your chosen artists and bands will be playing and at what time. Most festivals will have a list set up with all the set times and the stages. It will be rather large and if you get confused on where it's at that's okay. The majority of venues will provide maps while you can also ask someone who's working there because lets be honest there will be plenty of them rushing about.

So, you've found the set times. It is now time to go and explore. You'll want to get familiar with your venue so you'll know where you're going when it comes time to watch the first performance. Note where the merchandise tents are if you're into that so you can get some souvenirs and sometimes the band or artist will be having meet and greets at the tent later on in the day. Also try to remember where the food and water stands are because those are a 'most go to'.

Its time now. The first set. I'd advise that you arrive about ten minutes early so you can get in close to the front. Now beware that if you do choose to be front row that there are many good and bad things that could happen. Like for example crowd surfers.  People will be coming from the back of the crowd in and if you don't pay attention you could get kicked in the head or even have someone dropped on you. But there is still good that comes from it. You'll be able to see your favorite band or artist up close and personal. Which don't we all love?

Now as the day goes on you'll slowly form a routine. Watch set. Drink water. Find shade. Check time. See that you're running late. Run to next stage. Repeat. You'll keep doing this until slowly you'll realize that your at the last set. You look around. All the tents are coming down as well as the stages. The majority of the venue has cleared out except for a few hundred people. You're disappointed that its over but you can happily leave with a satisfied smile.

The Night Before

It's the night before and all you can feel is that excitement and anticipation. All you want to do is be there. You want to see that artist or band that you've been waiting your whole life to meet. You're ready. But are you really? There is actually a lot of preparation you have to do before you go to an open venue.There are a lot of things that you have to consider whether it be for your own personal comfort or for actual health.

I know your jumping with joy and you wish it was the next day but just calm down. I get that its exciting but you need sleep. Sleep is good. It helps you function.  Don't stay up all night. You'll find out the next day that'll come back to bite you in the butt. You're also going to want to drink a lot of water. The day of and the day before. You need to stay hydrated because the next day you are going to sweat. I don't care what you say. If you are in the hot sun in a crowd full of about hundred people all pressed together trying to get to the front you're going to sweat. From your arm pits, from your face, from your everything.

You're also going to want to pack a bag. It should include the following.

  • Cell Phone (charged to the fullest)
  • Sunscreen (don't think that you can get away without it. You'll burn otherwise)
  • Sunglasses (don't miss a performance just because the sun is in your eyes)
  • Money (for food, water, and souvenirs)
  • Ticket (you do NOT want to forget that)
  • Water (enough said)
  • Deodorant (please for the sake of all of us)

There are plenty more but these are just essentials. Make sure your bag is ready to go the night before so you won't be struggling the day of to find everything. So once you've got that you're practically set. You just have to wait for it to be the next day.